Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa São Paulo (FCMSCSP)
The Brotherhood of the Santa Casa de Misericordia de Sao Paulo is a centuries-old institution, of Portuguese origin, dedicated, since the sixteenth century, assistance to orphans, elderly, poor and sick. Mercy word comprises the emotional sense "put kindness, heart," the acts in favor of others. For a long time, this was the only hospital in the city and to the extent that St. Paul broadened its horizons and the population grew, it was necessary to reserve more space to house and care for the sick.
In 1884, a new hospital was opened "in the high Arouche" by locating up to date, in the same place. In 1912, Dr. Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho, clinical director of the hospital, submitted to the Ombudsman the Brotherhood a project that formalized the teaching of Medical Sciences Hospital. In 1913, the Medical Education was initiated at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of. Thus, the Hospital of the Holy House was the first place to train doctors and surgeons in the state of São Paulo.
In the mid-1930s, with the creation of the University of São Paulo (USP), the clinical chairs of the Faculty of Medicine of São Paulo used the wards of the Santa Casa, and the Course "Dr. Arnaldo "integrated into the USP, whose basic chairs were moved to the building on Avenida Doutor Arnaldo in 1945.
From 1933, students from other medical teaching institution also enjoyed the offered learning at Central Hospital: the Paulista School of Medicine, now the Federal University of the State of São Paulo (Unifesp), up to the 50s and the start of activities first hospital built exclusively for the country's education, Hospital Sao Paulo. In that same decade the units of the Clinicas Hospital of USP were being activated and its students transferred to the new facility.
For these historical facts, the Hospital of the Holy House was the birthplace of the first medical schools in São Paulo. This vocation for teaching, research and assistance persisted and resulted in historical claims to future doctors returned to attend it. Currently they are met on average over 8000 people daily in all medical specialties, with more than 1,200 beds available for admissions. Monthly are performed over 90,000 outpatient visits and other 80,000 emergency room visits, about 4000 admissions, 3,000 operations and 300 000 tests in its own laboratories and 50 000 examinations on the excellent services of Diagnostic Imaging. The emergency care in all specialties and high complexity services are taken as a reference in our region.
The care point of view, your profile, your philanthropic commitment, propose that funds obtained in compliance with the Unified Health System (SUS) and the Supplementary Medical are reinvested in their hospitals, so this quadricentenária institution, keep the latest medical equipment, together with highly skilled professionals, offer to Brazil's population the best possible health care.
In October 1962, the then Ombudsman, Dr. Christiano Altenfelder Silva, an enthusiast of the idea of creating Medical School, said the Administrative Board that was approved the creation of the COLLEGE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES OF THE HOLY PAUL ARE HOUSE (FCMSCSP). Its didactic format was established by the Association of Physicians of the Holy House, chaired by Professor Emilio Athié, another enthusiast of the School idea. Both are duly considered the founders of this School. It is characterized as a private, philanthropic, nonprofit, maintained by the Foundation Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho (HCVF).
On May 24, 1963, it was given the inaugural class of medical students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo by the academic Pedro Calmon, Rector of the University of Brazil. The official recognition of the course was issued by the Federal Decree No. 62,044, dated 4 January 1968. The first Director of the institution was Professor Emilio Athié and this post has been occupied by other teachers, and since 2011 directed by Professor Valdir Golin, a former student of the Faculty.
In 2000, the Ministry of Education approved the establishment of the nursing course with the concept "A" and the beginning of didactic activities in 2001. That same year, the undergraduate degree in speech therapy was approved by starting the educational activities in 2002, also with grade "A" by the MEC. In 2008, activities were initiated Telemedicine, providing short courses for medical institutions, as well as the Distance Education courses in deployment, through its Department of Informatics.
From 2015 began the activities of two Colleges of Technology, Biomedical Systems, and Radiology, focused on operational training of specialists in the installation, handling, and repair of high equipment and progressive sophistication extensively used in hospital medical environment, and producers of imaging equipment. Currently, most of its faculty graduated from the Faculty, as well as members of the Hospital Services, working or take up command posts. Currently there are 374 professors and 284 (75.9%) Doctors, 77 (20.6%) Masters and 13 (3.5%) specialists, who teach 1,122 students in five graduation courses, 205 students of the Postgraduate courses "Strictly speaking" and 1,650 students of Postgraduate courses "Lato sensu".
Inserted in the Hospital Complex of the Brotherhood of Santa Casa de Misericordia de São Paulo, School of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo is among the best higher education institutions in the country Medicine as evaluated by the Ministry of Education (Enade) , in 2013. Their contribution to the development in healthcare is evidenced by numerous scientific research, both basic as clinical area, with about 40 research groups registered with the Ministry of Science and Technology. Students and teachers develop recognized techno-scientific research activities in various entities such as Central Hospital, Hospital Sao Luiz Gonzaga, Integrated Center for Mental Health, Health-School Center Barra Funda and Geriatric Hospital Dom Pedro II.
- São Paulo
Rua Doutor Cesário Motta Júnior, 61 - Vila Buarque, São Paulo - SP, 01221-020, Brazil, , São Paulo