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Instituto Politécnico de Viseu – Escola Superior de Saúde (ESSV)

THE School of Health of Viseu (SVPC) is an integrated public higher education institution at the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, with legal personality and administrative, financial, scientific and teaching and its organization and management is governed by Law No. 54/90 of September 05 with some specifics arising from Decree-Law No. 205/95, of August 08. The SVPC, created by Ordinance No. 216/2005 of 24 February, is the heir of the old Viseu of Nursing created in 1971 by Executive Order No. 228/71 of May 01, converted in Viseu Nursing School by Order No 821/89 of 15 September following the integration of nursing education in the national education system at the level of the polytechnic as a result of the publication of Decree-Law No. 480/88 of 23 Dezembro.A School is governed by statutes approved by the Implementing Order No. 52/99, which included the joint authority of the Ministries of Education and Health, published in the Official Gazette, Series I - B, No. 257, of November 4 1999. Following the Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 140/98, of 04 December and the Law No. 26/2000 of 23 August, the School moved to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Given the changes in its legal framework, the statutes are in a recast. The School began operations in October 1974 with the General Nursing Course, which ran until 1992. In April 1990 he began the Degree of Nursing - conferring a bachelor's degree - approved by Decree No. 299/90, of 12 April, later amended by Decree No. 357/95 of 24 April. In March 1996, with courses of Specialized Higher Studies (CESE) in Child Health Nursing and Pediatric and Maternal Health Nursing and Obstetrics, approved by Decree No. 1137/95 of 15 September and Ordinance No. 1126 / 95 of 14 September, respectively, went to confer the degree. In October 1997 he started the Committee on Community Health and Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, approved by Decree No. 544/97 and No. 545/97 Ordinance of 23 Julho.Posteriormente with the publication of Decree Law No. 353/99 of September 3 general rules of nursing education were fixed in higher polytechnic education: general nursing education through undergraduate programs unietápica lasting four years and specialized training through courses specialization of not awarding post-graduate degree. The same law also adopted two transitional measures: Complementary Training year for students who frequented the date the course of bachelor in nursing, which allowed to achieve a degree, and created the Training Supplement Course which allowed nurses a bachelor's degree access to licenciado.O degree of Bachelor of Nursing and Complementary year of training were created by Decree No. 729/2000 of 05 October; Complement the Training Course was created by Decree No. 98/2000 of 22 February. SVPC in the 2005-2006 school year was crucial for the implementation of the objectives and philosophy of the Bologna Process. This year has been reorganized the Bachelor of Nursing plan and draw up a fitness plan, based on Decree-Law No. 42/2005 of 22 February, Decree-Law No. 74/2006 of 24 March, changed by Decree-Law No. 107/2008 of 25 June and the Order No. 7287-B / 2006 (2nd series). Thus, in accordance with Articles 63 and 64 of Decree-Law 74/2006 of 24 March and by Order No. 16043/2006 (2nd series), of 30 June, the Director General of Higher Education, published in Diário da República, 2nd Series, No. 147 of August 1, 2006, was registered under number R / B-AD-761/2006, the appropriateness of the Nursing Course taught by the School of Health of Viseu, the appropriate studies cycle the Bologna process. The Equivalents plan the transition process, was approved at a meeting of the Scientific Council on 18 July 2007.For addition to these courses, the School has done graduate courses, no degree of lecturers.

  • Viseu

    R. D. João Crisóstomo Gomes de Almeida, n.º 102

Instituto Politécnico de Viseu – Escola Superior de Saúde (ESSV)