Health Care Programs in Latvia 2025
Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
Veterinary Medicine (First and Second Cycle Studies)
- Jelgava, Latvia
Full time
6 years
'One Medicine - One Health' concept links human, animal and environmental health. In recent years the science of veterinary medicine has rapidly expanded. At present this science is vital for animal protection, herd health, monitoring of widespread diseases and safe food production of animal origin. It is important for human health to provide careful monitoring of livestock health and emerging zoonotic diseases.
University of Latvia
PhD Psychology
- Riga, Latvia
Full time, Part time
3 years
Aim of the Programme is to prepare highly qualified scientists and teaching staff in various areas of psychology (general, clinical, development, personality, social/organisational psychology) through improvement of their research work organisation, management and implementation skills based on greater in-depth understanding of psychology theories and methodology in at least two sub-areas of psychology, skills in national and international cooperation with other specialists in the area, and through preparation of an original scientific research study (dissertation study) to be defended to acquire an internationally recognised doctoral degree in psychology. The programme additionally offers specialisation in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to the students studying for their doctoral degree in clinical psychology. These additional studies are aimed at improvement of their professional skills in psychotherapy (within the Baltic States, such specialisation at the doctoral level is available only at the University of Latvia).
University of Latvia
Master in Optometry (Clinical)
- Riga, Latvia
Full time, Part time
24 months
The professional Master's programme Optometry (Clinical) offers multidisciplinary studies based on visual science and contemporary primary vision care. The study program has been developed based on more than 25 years of experience in the training of optometrists at the University of Latvia.
University of Latvia
Bachelor in Optometry
- Riga, Latvia
Full time, Part time
3 years
This programme is based on studies of natural sciences, biology, medicine and basic principles of primary eye care service. The study program has been developed based on more than 25 years of experience in the training of optometrists at the University of Latvia.
University of Latvia
Higher Professional Study Program in Medicine
- Riga, Latvia
Full time
6 years
The programme corresponds to EU standards and professional requirements set for MDs. The obtained degree is in line with European labour market requirements (part of the European comparative degree system) and allows free movement within Europe.
University of Latvia
Higher Professional Study Programme Dentistry
- Riga, Latvia
Full time
5 years
The aim of the study programme is to produce a caring, knowledgeable, competent and skilful dentist who is able, on graduation, to accept professional responsibility for the effective and safe care of patients, who appreciates the need for continuing professional development, who can utilise advances in relevant knowledge and techniques and who understands the role of patients in decision making.