Health Care Programs in Czech Republic 2025
Palacky University
Doctor of Dentistry
- Olomouc, Czech Republic
Full time
5 years
The curriculum of the study programme Dentistry is identical to the one pursued by Czech medical students, apart from being taught in English. It conforms to the European Union standards.
Charles University Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Master in General Medicine (MUDr)
- Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Full time
6 years
The study program is designed as a six-year program without an interstage bachelor's degree. This type of study has always been one of the fundamental study programs at universities since the Middle Ages. The core, obligatory subjects taught in the first years of study will help students to recognize and become familiar with the normal physiological processes in a living organism. The third-year subjects introduce the pathological processes and, in addition, help students to acquire and master basic practical skills within the propaedeutic of inner medicine and the basics of surgery. The subjects taught in the fourth and fifth years are focused on individual fields of clinical medicine. Finally, the subjects in the sixth study year are introduced and taught mainly as long-term practical training in the departments of internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, the maternity ward, and pediatrics. Additionally, the students also have similar practical training within subjects covering preventive, social, and public health medicine. Our goal is to provide students with the necessary theoretical background and enable them in particular clinical fields to master the diagnosis of conditions and provision of the most suitable treatments to a patient. Furthermore, the students also master an appropriate approach to patients. It is necessary to attain a reasonable balance between the amount of new information from individual medical fields and basic core knowledge so that in the particularities we do not lose focus on the whole: an ill person, a patient.
University of Veterinary Sciences
Ph.D. in Veterinary Public Health, Forensic Veterinary Medicine and Toxicology
- Brno, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
The doctoral study program Veterinary Public Health, Forensic Veterinary Medicine and Toxicology is an academically focused study program, corresponding to the current state and level of science and the needs of practice in Europe. Graduates of the doctoral study Veterinary Public Health, Forensic Veterinary Medicine and Toxicology gained in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired through independent creative activity and the acquisition of new scientific knowledge in the field of study. Graduates can actively share their knowledge in the field of study at the international level and publicly. Based on this qualification, graduates are mainly employed at research institutions and universities.
VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
PhD in Energy Processes
- Ostrava, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
Power engineering forms a part of almost all human activities. The objective of the "Energy Processes" postgraduate study program is to train students in creative research work in the field of power engineering. The graduates obtain the “PhD” title, the highest possible academic degree. The studies are conducted in the form of day or combined studies.
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy
PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Full time
4 years
Blended, On-Campus
The Doctoral Program of Pharmacology and Toxicology is focused on the study of drug interactions with the organism in terms of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and drug toxicity. Students of this program extend the basic theoretical knowledge of pharmacology and toxicology and gain expertise in experimental work with state-of-the-art methodologies of molecular and cellular pharmacology and genetics - in vitro, in situ, ex vivo and in vivo. Depending on the specialization of the study, graduates are experts in various aspects of pharmacology, including mechanisms of drug effects, drug interactions, metabolism and excretion. The Study Program of Pharmacology and Toxicology is suitable not only for those interested in experimental research but also for those who wish to continue in clinical practice. The standard length of study is four years.
Charles University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Master in Applied Physiotherapy
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time
2 years
Applied Physiotherapy is a subject in a health care area focusing on diagnostics, functional therapy of movement system disorders. Physiotherapy also influences the functions of the other systems including the psychical one throughout the movement and other physiotherapeutic processes. The students of this program are graduates in accredited/recognized Bachelor's study programs of physiotherapy in the Czech Republic. The graduates from any university abroad (apart from Slovakia) are required to do the process of nostrification. The program offers a 2-year study program. The program is divided into 4 semesters and includes subjects that intensify and develop the knowledge and skills gained during Bachelor's study program. The students specialize in at least one specific method or concept in physiotherapy. The essential subjects include Special Kinesiology, Differential Diagnostics, Selected Chapters in Physiotherapeutical Methods, Applied PNF, Clinical Effectiveness in Physiotherapy, Special Chapters from Clinical Subjects, Management in Healthcare, Physiotherapy in Sport, Preventive Programs in Physiotherapy, Methodology of Science, Presentation of Results of Scientific Work. The important part of every year's study is a specialized internship at medical institutions, curricular internship, and Clinical Colloquium under expert supervision. When the student gains 120 ECTS credits he or she takes the Final State Exam including Master Thesis Defence, theoretical exams, and practical medical institution exam.
Charles University Second Faculty of Medicine
PhD in Human Physiology and Pathophysiology
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time
4 years
Blended, On-Campus
The program Human Physiology and Pathophysiology is focused on the study of functions of particular systems of the organism (blood, circulatory system, breathing, digestive, urinary, humoral, nervous systems) and their control, from the molecular level up to the study of mutual relations between particular systems under normal conditions and pathologic states. Equally important is the study of factors that can affect the mechanisms of development, plasticity, and adaptation to epigenetic and internal influences. The experimental and analytic approach of learning enables you to use the knowledge gained for the prevention, diagnostics, therapy, and rehabilitation of the human organism. The objective of the studies in the study program Human Physiology and Pathophysiology is training the students in such a way so that they will be capable of independent scientific work as necessary for an understanding of physiologic and pathophysiologic mechanisms that can be the cause of major clinical conditions. The program is carried out without any specialization.
Charles University Third Faculty of Medicine
Master in General Medicine (MUDr)
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time
6 years
The standard duration of study is six years. The form of study is full-time only. Graduates of the programme receive a complete medical education and are awarded the title MUDr. (M.D.) after successful completion of studies, entitling them to apply for positions in all M.D. specialization fields. Since the academic year 1996/97, tuition takes place adhering to a modernized and revised study programme that allows students to gain integrated knowledge in theoretical and preclinical fields. Common clinical problems are explained using problem-oriented learning and clinical training focuses not only on the application of theoretical knowledge but also on developing practical skills. Tuition goals are in accordance with the European Program for Medical Faculties Euroskills, which the Third Faculty of Medicine is taking part in. Study at the Third Faculty of Medicine is compatible with study at other medical faculties.
Charles University First Faculty of Medicine
PhD in Addiction: Specialization in Health Care
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time
4 years
Blended, On-Campus
The Ph.D. program in Addictology covers trans-disciplinary knowledge in addictology and the skills to independently design and conduct studies of the various factors in the risk environment of substance use and addictive behaviors — from the individual to the policy level. Aiming to contribute to evidence-based decision-making, the core of the program is in clinical work and public health research with a participatory community focus. Central to the program are methodological guidance and support for trans-disciplinary addictology research with an emphasis on combining quantitative and qualitative research methods from various disciplines into a common epistemological framework.
Charles University Faculty of Medicine in Plzeň
PhD in Stomatology
- Pilsen, Czech Republic
Full time
4 years
Blended, On-Campus
The dental study program consists of the following topics: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthetics, Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics, Periodontology and Oral Medicine, Pediatric Dentistry, and Orthodontics. The aim of the postgraduate study of Stomatology is to extend, deepen the knowledge of doctoral students not only in the basic Stomatology field but also in related fields (borderline) and, on that basis, independent scientific work. The main part of the study is solving a specific research task in the field of stomatology, which is in accordance with the research focus of the department. The results of the solution of the given topic are processed by the doctoral student in his / her dissertation. At the same time, it continuously presents them both in the form of a professional article in the relevant periodical and in the form of oral communication at domestic or foreign professional meetings. Study program without specialization.
Palacky University
Doctor of General Medicine
- Olomouc, Czech Republic
Full time
6 years
The curriculum of the study programme General Medicine is identical to the one pursued by Czech medical students, apart from being taught in English. It conforms to the European Union standards, and is also accredited by the Association of Medical Schools in Europe (AMSE).
University of Ostrava - Faculty of Medicine
Medicine Doctor 6 years (M.D.)
- Ostrava, Czech Republic
Full time
6 years
n the first two years the curriculum principally covers theoretical courses (Biochemistry, Biology, Physics, Anatomy, Histology, Physiology, etc.). The third year of studies comprises preclinical courses (Pathophysiology, Pathology) and prepares students for the study of clinical courses (Surgery, Internal Medicine).
Czech College
Nurses Adaptation Diploma
- Prague, Czech Republic
Full time
1 year
This program is primarily designed to adapt a foreign educated nurse to practice in Czech nursing system.
University of Defence
Ph.D. in Military Radiobiology
- Brno, Czech Republic
The aim of the presented doctoral study program is to prepare graduates of medical, pharmaceutical and scientific faculties for work in the field of Military Radiobiology. To provide students with advanced laboratory technologies in the fields of hematology, flow cytometry, histology and molecular biology, which are necessary for the analysis of changes in the organism after interaction with ionizing radiation in in vitro or in vivo studies.
Czech Technical University in Prague
Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering
- Prague 6, Czech Republic
Full time, Part time
4 years
The Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. program is focused on scientific research and independent research in a multidisciplinary biomedical engineering environment. This field arose from the need to single out the interactions of the living organism from the traditional engineering disciplines, which is specified in a number of ways.